The Arithmetic of Compassion

Overcoming obstacles to action in the face of the world’s most urgent problems

The mission of the Arithmetic of Compassion Website is to raise awareness of psychological obstacles to compassion, including psychic numbing, pseudoinefficacy, and the prominence effect. These cognitive biases lead to inaction in the face of some of the world’s largest humanitarian challenges, including genocide, famine, and climate change.

We also discuss how writers and artists can use their talents to overcome these obstacles to compassion in our Environmental Humanities page.

Read our About page to learn more. Visit our Blog page to learn how these concepts connect to current events.

We welcome scholars, journalists, students, and concerned citizens to write blogs for our website that connect the concepts of the Arithmetic of Compassion to current events. Contact us at to submit a blog.

Video credits: produced by Emiliano Rodriguez Nuesch, edited by Federico Camandone, photographs by Paul Jeffrey.

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